Wednesday 5 May 2010

Bad Behaviour

Bad behaviour is a broad term to describe many variations of what constitutes bad. To some smoking, drinking, taking drugs etc etc are all behaviours which some people would consider wrong and yet these behaviours are also a part of normal everyday life. As human beings we need to find some release in life and some people like to smoke and others like to get a tattoo.

In my opinion as long as the "bad behaviour" isn't having anyone else then no one can judge. So long as a drink doesn't turn into hundreds of drinks then its fine. Everything in moderation is considered good for you.

The following article talks about dealing with bad behaviour in children:

Bad Boy Appeal

Why is the bad boy so appealing to women. Women know that life with the bad boy isn't going to be a smooth ride and yet some women go back again and again for more bad treatment. What is so appealing? The truth is women like the excitement, the unknown, the danger and most importantly they like the idea that they can tame the lion; despite knowing deep down that some leapords don't change their spots.

Some of the most famous bad boys Tommy Lee, Kid Rock, Eminem and PDiddy. All of these men had women whom they didn't treat right and yet it took many years before the women in their lives to realise that the men they loved helping them in anyway. Some like Jennifer Lopez ended her relationship with PDiddy after he was arrested for possession of a fire arm.

The following article on MSNBC gives us some insight into what attracts some women to bad boys:

Monday 3 May 2010



From a staunch religious contraception is downright wrong. However, my opinion is that people should have the right to choose as to whether they want to have children or not. Not to mention the really important question of protection against STD's. Some of the rules imposed on society by religion is out of date and does not support the needs of modern society which has changed tremendously since the conception of religion. One example of the change in modern society is teenage pregancies which needs to be controlled in some way and contraception is one of those ways.

If more teenagers used contraception then the number of teenage pregnancies would go down. However, it appears that teenagers, even though contraception is available free of charge, let their hormones get the better of them and end up having sex without protection, which not only leads to pregnancy but also the possibility of get STD.

The following article in The Guardian online is about teenage pregnancy:



Is it right to divorce without really thinking it through? It appears that in Western society divorce is increasing at an alarming rate. Why so? Is it because people are now unwilling to stay in a relationship when they don't want to. I think it's because people, especially women, no longer need a man to look after them physically or financially and therefore, this has meant that women no longer need to stay married if the marriage isn't working out. This just may be one of the reasons. Another could be that these days we live in a global world with more choice and media also makes us feel that we can have it all. We are constantly reminded of what a "perfect relationship" is and therefore, gives us unrealistic and unachievable goals when it comes to marriage.

The following web page on the BBC gives people advice on divorce:

Cosmetic Surgery


Our obsession with appearance seems to be a a all time high. We consume and consume and yet seem no wiser or happier with out lot. We always want more and more. The recent obsession in the West seems to be with cosmetic surgery which is being exploited to the point where people spend their life savings on getting a new nose or a boob job thinking this would make them happier. Programmes such as Ten Years Younger only encourage such ideals that beauty can be achieved through a scapel. It profressdes to make people more attractive by giving them a make over using cosmetic surgery, however, are people happier with their new looks. In my opinion I think when you start changing one thing about your appearance you are likely to change another and then another until you no longer look anything like you did to begin with. William Yeats wrote in Before the world was made in 1929: "If I make the lashes dark, and the eyes more bright, and the lips more scarlet, or ask if all be right, from mirror after mirror, no vanity's displaed: I'm looking for the face I had before the world was made," ( This passage I think sums up how, if we continue on this distructive path for beauty, we may end up losing the person we truely are.

Sunday 2 May 2010


Commenting on Tome Pettytheft adn the Lawbreakers post by A Horse Called Golgotha on 27th April 2010

You make some good points on this subject. Society has a tendency to judge harshly in such situations. I know some peole who have shoplifted (not saying it's right) but I wouldn't class them as "bad people" or criminals for that matter. However, that's not to say it's okay. Again I reiterate your thoughts that stealing without a valid reason is wrong but I think the reason why people like to judge all crimes harshly regardless of the severity of the crime is that if there wasa let out clause we would be in chaos.

Green with Envy

Is envy wrong? Envy is considered one of the seven sins but ultimately it is a natural human behaviour and we all do it. Envy can in some cases be good for you to some extent. Sometimes it makes you determined to make something of your own life, for instance, if you see someone with something and it drives you to aim higher in order to acquire the same thing. However, envy becomes dangerous when it gets to the point where you spend most of your waking hours envying other people and generally feeling sorry yourself. It can morph into obsession which can lead to desperate and dangerous behaviours. We should always keep out envy in check as it is natural to want what others have, nevertheless, we should remind ourselves that we also may lead a life which other people may feel envious about. It's easier to assume that others have it easier or better then us. In most of these situations the person we envy secretly envys you.

The result of envious behaviour can be seen a lot in society today. With television programms such as, House Doctor or even X-factor we are made to feel envious about someone elses lifestyle to such a point, we are also told repeatedly by magazines etc on how to achieve the look or lifestyle. The following article digs deeper into "lifestyle envy" (


Commenting on Kids - Bad Cinema Indeed by Phillippa Hawker on 21st April 2010

I for one could not get my head round the film and had to leave half way through. I know some would argue that its a good way to highlight unprotected sex etc etc but I really don't need to see it. Things like what was shown in the film do happen but I don't think me seeing it so graphically in a movie with kids will make me a better and wiser person. It just shocked me and I now have images in my head which I wish I can get rid of.

Like you said I think the fact it was kids who were drinking, having sex, beating people - violent which was the most disturbing but even adults doing such think on tv is just as bad. It doesn't help anyone but make money for big movie moguls. The controversy only adds to it.


Commenting on Graham Quirk's post on All lies are not equal posted on 25th February 2010

I agree taht lying is something we do all the time without even realising it. However, I also agree that not all lies can be judged equally. Lying becomes a problem when people tell "big" lies unnecessarily which have the potential to hurt people immensely. And yes, I always say "I'm fine," when someone asks how I am - who doesn't.


Stalking can be described as a silent crime which some people are dismissive of. When someone is being stalked to some people it is kind of flattering that someone should like/love you so much that they want to be with you always. What these people don't realise is the constant fear and paranoia the person who being stalked is feeling.

It's not a faltering position to be in (it may have started off like that to begin with) however, these kinds of situations can end up distroying someones life. Campaigners say that stalking is ;under-reported because victims fear that they won't be taken seriously. In response to this a UK-wide helpline for victims of stalking has been launched, funded by the Home Office. (

The dangerous side of stalking was experienced by Clare Bernal who was shot dead by her obsessive ex-boyfriend in Harvey Nichols in 2005. May be if such a helpline was available for Clare she would have received the help and support she needed and could possibly be alive toda. This helpline I think is a step in the right direction in getting some level of support for victims of stalking and may even help prevent future killings like Clare Bernal.


Commenting on Herj Kaur's post Cheeky Buggers on 22nd April 2010

The problem with telling jokes is that sometimes people say what they really think but disguise it asa joke. I, like you, don't understand whats so funny about humilating and degrading people just to get a cheap laugh. It's not funny and anyone who doeds laugh at such jokes does it out of pure shock of the situation i.e. the Jonathan Ross incident.

It was right that they got reprimanded for such stupid behaviour. Comedy is funny when it is done with good taste but not when it means hurting people's feelings needlessly.


Comment on post by A Rebel Yell on 30th April 2010 (

I agree that there isn't a justification for cheatin gon someone who you have committed to a relationship with. It is simple matter of choice; either stay faithful or get out. However, I also think that life isn't as black and white as we like to think. Although there are some people who are just selfish and greedy and want to have the cake and eat it. There are also some people who find themselves in a situation which ends up spiraling out of control for many reason. It's not always planned, however, when the time comes people have to make a choice even it will hurt the people closiest to them.


Commenting on the blog posted on 29th April 2010 called Rot of the by MURTAUGH (

I echo your feelings. Some people in society prefer to sit back and accept things as they are rather than standing up for what they believe in. In doing so they only fuel the lies told to us by politicians and help keep them in power. As a country we have the right to vote, in comparison to some countries like Afganistan and Iraq, where we (Britain) as a country are trying to implement the right to vote. Yet many people in Britain choose to ignore the fact that we have the power to make things happen; to bring about change and decide not to do so because it's simply easier to sit back and claim that we accept lies from politicians because it's easier then listening to the truth.



Tattoos have been apart of society for thousands of years. In some cultures it forms a part of their identity whilst in Britain tattoos are more for fashion rather than belonging to a particular tribe. According to an article the history of tattoos began 5,000 years ago. It appears that travellers from Britain returned with polynesians to exhibit at fairs etc to demonstrate the higeh of European civilisation compared to "primitive natives." (

Apparently after Captain Cook returned from his voyage to polynesian tattooing became a tradition in the British Navy. For the British Empire tattooing was a way of identifying what they considered primitive people of the countries they ruled. However, centuries later it appears that even Britain has embraced the art of tattooing only for less meaningful reasons.


In the last decade Britain has been battling with a binge drinking culture which is slowly spiraling out of control. The cost of binge drinking to the state and NHS. A BBC article reports that binge drinking is costing Britain billions due to the number working days lost due to binge drinking. Not to mention the crimes committed by people who are drunk.

Various agencies are appealing for help from the govenment in terms of investing more money in tackling alcohal related problems like binge drinking. However, it seems that it has taken people alot of time to understand that binge drinking is a major problem for society. Britain, unlike it's Europian counterparts like France, seems to have a major problem with controlling its alcohal consumption. The government idea of extending pub opening ideas hasn't helped in tackling the problem. It's the culture of drinking which needs to be changed. People need to reaalise that drinking so much alcohol is not just bad for our health but also bad for our families and the structure of society in general.

I think the best way to tackle or limit the damge done by over consumption of alcohal is increasding the price of alcohal and putting a stop to the "Happy Hours" advertised by pubs an drestaurants across Britain. This idea may not stop people from drinking altogether but it would surely limit the damage, hence, minimise the damaging it is doing to society.

Thursday 22 April 2010



There are some campaign groups such as, the Physicians Associated for AIDS Care and National Lymphoma Foundation all agree that marijuana should be legalised for medical purposes because it has been proven to show some relief to people with AIDS etc according to the following post: .

The argument was made that marijuana is less dangerous than cocaine and morphine and therefore, should be legalised. The opposition groups claim that the reason why they do not want marijuana to be legalised is because there is no hardcore evidence that it isn't dangerous.

My opinion is that if marijuana eases someones medical condition then they should be allowed to use it. If you're in so much pain why should the government have the audacity to tell you what to do, after all they're are not in the same position as the person in pain and therefore, medical professionals and the patients should be given the opportunity to make this decision themselves without being penalised for it.

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Telling Lies
We all tell lies everyday but mostly we don't even know we're doing it mainly because we don't consider the little white lies we tell to be lies. Some lies are told to protect someone we love or just to prevent arguments from occuring needlessly. We've all told them some time in our lives in fact, you could argue it is part of the human condition to have the ability to lie. The world would be a pretty boring place if we spoke the truth everyday.

Telling lies is a fundamental human condition which we are born with. Anyone who claims that they don't lie or have never told a lie is lying to themselves. Not all lying is wrong. Like I have said above, in some situations, lies are told to prevent harm or to protect. Take, for example, if you were being held hostage and you lied to stop the hostage taker from getting hold of information which could assist him/her in carrying out attacks which could kill hundreds of people - would you consider this wrong.

When is it wrong to lie? The is a crucial question. I would argue that it is acceptable to lie if it prevents harm to anyone you love or to prevent the death of hundreds of people. But if lies are told to further ones own agenda then I would consider this wrong. There has to be some rules otherwise there would be chaos in the world. I think ultimately you have to tell yourself that all lies are wrong and then judge each lie on its own merit.

The BIG lie told by Tony Blair and his government that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction which led to the current war and the deaths of millions innocent Iraqi's and British soldiers. This one lie set of a chain reaction which has done nothing to make the world a safer place. In fact, you could argue the world is more dangerous because of the invasion of Iraq. The following website sets out the Ten Appalling Lies We Were Told About Iraq .

Monday 19 April 2010



From John Terry, Tiger Woods and now Ashley Cole it seems that being unfaithful has become a national pass time for celebrities. In fact, having an affair somehome elevates the star power of celebrities thrusting them into the spotlight which they have never encountered before. Careers have been spurned from selling stories of infidelity e.g. Rebecca Loos. Who knew who Rebecca Loos was until her alleged affair with David Beckham.

However, being unfaithful isn't as black and white as society likes to portray it. There are many reasons why people are unfaithful. Yes, some people do it purely for sport but in some cases having an affair is the only way of getting some sembles of happiness in ones life. For instance, I know a few people who have been forced into marriage even thought they were already in a relationship beforehand. In such a case would you consider it wrong to continue seeing the person you were in a relationship with before your marriage. Some people in such situations find it easier to continue living with a sham marriage as described above then actually attempt to get out of it. Some don't even have any choice. Therefore, my opinion of what constitutes infidelity has changed as I have grown up and experienced the darker side of life. Not everything is black and white so I am more sympathetic then I used to be.

The truth is people are unfaithful for many reasons from not being happy in their relationship, boredom, loneliness, the thrill, risk taking or even domestic violence and much more. An article on Truth About Deception: Why Spouses Cheat talks about the deeper reasons people cheat on each other. The article suggests when it comes to love and betrayal, logic and reason has difficulty competing with human emotions. In short, infidelity, according to this article, occurs not because it is planned but because we are overcome by our emotions. In other words not everyone plans to have an affair but because something is lacking in their relationship a chance encounter with someone else may result it infidelity.

Thursday 15 April 2010



Why do some people commit incest? In some traditions marrying your first cousin is considered acceptable. It has been practiced freely amongst the British Royal family in order to ensure purity of the royal bloodline. In fact the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh (her husband) are also distant relatives.

A BBC article debates marriages between cousins and sheds some light on the complexity of the issue. BBC article: Your Views: Cousin Marriages some interesting arguments from people across the globe giving their opinion on marriages between cousins. It is clear from the article that not all people considered marriage between cousins incest even if it is banned in some societies.

I think the fundamental argument is that of consensual agreement between two parties. So long as two people are happy to marry and it is not forced then they should be allowed to do so. It is the question of force comes into it is when it becomes wrong.

My personal opinon is that sex between father, mother, daughter or son is wrong, however, my views on sex/marriage between cousins are more lenient. I don't think that the latter should be practiced frequently through generations and generations as the likelihood of producing a child with birth defects increases over generations, but if it is practiced now and then and it isn't forced then I think it is acceptable. There should be some level of freedom of choice in our lives and also some things like marriage between cousins cannot be controlled as it has been practiced over many years within some communities.

Thursday 25 March 2010



Smoking is bad? At least this is the impression we are now being sold by the government. After decades of the government making money from smoking through taxation they are now telling everyone that smoking is bad for the health and yet not banning smoking all together. Instead they have put particular emphasis on passive smoking and how it can harm people who inhale other peoples smoke.

More recently Doctors have been calling for smoking to be banned in cars to prevent children from inhaling the smoke when travelling with a smoker. The Royal College of Physicians have claimed that "passive smoking results in 300,000 extra child visits to GPs in the UK every year for problems such as asthma and bacterial meningitis," (Ban smoking in all vehicles, doctors demand: However, smoke lobby groups claim that a car is a "private place" and the smoking ban should not extend to the car.

My opinion on this matter is the logistics which would be involved in policing such activity. How would you monitor and prevent people from smoking in a car. It is impossible to do and will cost local authorities millions of pounds to prevent something which I believe is unpreventable like stopping people from using their mobile and driving, which still happens even though it is illegal.

Thursday 11 February 2010


Abortion is an act which many people in Western society have come to get used to. Having an abortion is a very personal choice which can change people for life. Many women never forget that unborn child which they aborted so clearly it isn't a decision which is made lightly.

My feelings on abortion is very mixed. From religious point of view an abortion can only be justified if the life of the mother is at risk due to the pregnancy. I agree with this but sometimes there are situations like a child having Down's Syndrome and people have abortions because they a) don't want to bring a disabled child into the world or b) cannot cope with the idea of bringing up a disabled child. In such a situation it is easy to sit back and judge but in my opinion whether the decision is to keep the child or abort the child takes courage either way. No one wishes such a situation to occur to them but abortion is something which shouldn't be taken lightly. The following article tells the stories of two women who made two different decisions about abortion (