Monday, 3 May 2010

Cosmetic Surgery


Our obsession with appearance seems to be a a all time high. We consume and consume and yet seem no wiser or happier with out lot. We always want more and more. The recent obsession in the West seems to be with cosmetic surgery which is being exploited to the point where people spend their life savings on getting a new nose or a boob job thinking this would make them happier. Programmes such as Ten Years Younger only encourage such ideals that beauty can be achieved through a scapel. It profressdes to make people more attractive by giving them a make over using cosmetic surgery, however, are people happier with their new looks. In my opinion I think when you start changing one thing about your appearance you are likely to change another and then another until you no longer look anything like you did to begin with. William Yeats wrote in Before the world was made in 1929: "If I make the lashes dark, and the eyes more bright, and the lips more scarlet, or ask if all be right, from mirror after mirror, no vanity's displaed: I'm looking for the face I had before the world was made," ( This passage I think sums up how, if we continue on this distructive path for beauty, we may end up losing the person we truely are.

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