Monday, 3 May 2010



From a staunch religious contraception is downright wrong. However, my opinion is that people should have the right to choose as to whether they want to have children or not. Not to mention the really important question of protection against STD's. Some of the rules imposed on society by religion is out of date and does not support the needs of modern society which has changed tremendously since the conception of religion. One example of the change in modern society is teenage pregancies which needs to be controlled in some way and contraception is one of those ways.

If more teenagers used contraception then the number of teenage pregnancies would go down. However, it appears that teenagers, even though contraception is available free of charge, let their hormones get the better of them and end up having sex without protection, which not only leads to pregnancy but also the possibility of get STD.

The following article in The Guardian online is about teenage pregnancy:

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