Sunday 2 May 2010

Green with Envy

Is envy wrong? Envy is considered one of the seven sins but ultimately it is a natural human behaviour and we all do it. Envy can in some cases be good for you to some extent. Sometimes it makes you determined to make something of your own life, for instance, if you see someone with something and it drives you to aim higher in order to acquire the same thing. However, envy becomes dangerous when it gets to the point where you spend most of your waking hours envying other people and generally feeling sorry yourself. It can morph into obsession which can lead to desperate and dangerous behaviours. We should always keep out envy in check as it is natural to want what others have, nevertheless, we should remind ourselves that we also may lead a life which other people may feel envious about. It's easier to assume that others have it easier or better then us. In most of these situations the person we envy secretly envys you.

The result of envious behaviour can be seen a lot in society today. With television programms such as, House Doctor or even X-factor we are made to feel envious about someone elses lifestyle to such a point, we are also told repeatedly by magazines etc on how to achieve the look or lifestyle. The following article digs deeper into "lifestyle envy" (

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