Sunday 2 May 2010


In the last decade Britain has been battling with a binge drinking culture which is slowly spiraling out of control. The cost of binge drinking to the state and NHS. A BBC article reports that binge drinking is costing Britain billions due to the number working days lost due to binge drinking. Not to mention the crimes committed by people who are drunk.

Various agencies are appealing for help from the govenment in terms of investing more money in tackling alcohal related problems like binge drinking. However, it seems that it has taken people alot of time to understand that binge drinking is a major problem for society. Britain, unlike it's Europian counterparts like France, seems to have a major problem with controlling its alcohal consumption. The government idea of extending pub opening ideas hasn't helped in tackling the problem. It's the culture of drinking which needs to be changed. People need to reaalise that drinking so much alcohol is not just bad for our health but also bad for our families and the structure of society in general.

I think the best way to tackle or limit the damge done by over consumption of alcohal is increasding the price of alcohal and putting a stop to the "Happy Hours" advertised by pubs an drestaurants across Britain. This idea may not stop people from drinking altogether but it would surely limit the damage, hence, minimise the damaging it is doing to society.

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