Wednesday 5 May 2010

Bad Boy Appeal

Why is the bad boy so appealing to women. Women know that life with the bad boy isn't going to be a smooth ride and yet some women go back again and again for more bad treatment. What is so appealing? The truth is women like the excitement, the unknown, the danger and most importantly they like the idea that they can tame the lion; despite knowing deep down that some leapords don't change their spots.

Some of the most famous bad boys Tommy Lee, Kid Rock, Eminem and PDiddy. All of these men had women whom they didn't treat right and yet it took many years before the women in their lives to realise that the men they loved helping them in anyway. Some like Jennifer Lopez ended her relationship with PDiddy after he was arrested for possession of a fire arm.

The following article on MSNBC gives us some insight into what attracts some women to bad boys:

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