Thursday 11 February 2010


Abortion is an act which many people in Western society have come to get used to. Having an abortion is a very personal choice which can change people for life. Many women never forget that unborn child which they aborted so clearly it isn't a decision which is made lightly.

My feelings on abortion is very mixed. From religious point of view an abortion can only be justified if the life of the mother is at risk due to the pregnancy. I agree with this but sometimes there are situations like a child having Down's Syndrome and people have abortions because they a) don't want to bring a disabled child into the world or b) cannot cope with the idea of bringing up a disabled child. In such a situation it is easy to sit back and judge but in my opinion whether the decision is to keep the child or abort the child takes courage either way. No one wishes such a situation to occur to them but abortion is something which shouldn't be taken lightly. The following article tells the stories of two women who made two different decisions about abortion (

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